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MSc Environmental Management

Type of Entry: Academic Course
Frequency: permanent
Website: http://www.ecology.uni-kiel.de/ecology/site/teaching-en/masters/index_html/vi...
Place: Kiel, GERMANY

"Environmental Management" at the Ecology Centre of the University of Kiel aims to form professionals in the environmental sector to be able to work in interdisciplinary and international teams.


  • To acquire skills, assess and apply complex management concepts in order to solve today's and tomorrow's environmental challenges
  • To gain knowledge in environmental sciences and their practical application
  • To gain knowledge in natural sciences, including knowledge of methods in system analysis, modelling, geographic information systems (GIS) and data management
  • To learn how to conceptualize adaptive management, including economic and social aspects
  • To train soft skills by working in international and interdisciplinary teams

The master's program consists of a two-year study (4 semesters) of which the last semester is dedicated to the master's thesis.

  • The first semester focuses on basic knowledge of natural sciences (e.g.: biotic and abiotic structures and dynamics of ecosystems, including anthropogenic modifications and disturbances) and modelling methods.
  • The second semester is dedicated to practical fieldwork carried out during excursions, as well as further interactive cooperation activities with professionals in the field. The main focus is on the development of integrative, regional management concepts and on the building of knowledge regarding system analysis, including socio-eocnomic components.
  • The third semester combines basic knowledge and method knowledge to develop sustainable management concepts.
  • The fourth semester consists of the individual work on the master's thesis.

The aim of this Master's program is to enable students to work in or lead interdisciplinary teams to find solutions, using environmental management methods. Graduates will be skilled to devise integrative management solutions for complex environmental issues on a regional, national and international level, for the private as well as for the public sector. What is offered in the Master Course is interconnected with the wide range of requirements in professional life. Therefore, it provides students the freedom to focus on individual preferences, besides the obligatory modules. In the following, there is a presentation of the study program for three relevant job outlooks.


Registration: 15 May 2008
Contact: Ökologie-Zentrum Kiel - Masterstudiengang, Olshausenstraße 75, 24098 Kiel, Germany
E-Mail: master-info@ecology.uni-kiel.de
Telephone: +49 (431) 880-4030
Fax: +49 (431) 880-4083
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