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PgDip/MSc Coastal Zone Management, University of Ulster

Type of Entry: Academic Course
Frequency: permanent
Website: http://prospectus.ulster.ac.uk/course/?id=5605
Place: University College Cork, IRELAND

The aim of this Postgraduate Diploma/MSc programme is to provide advanced training across the range of subjects involved in contemporary coastal zone management. The course provides an understanding of the relevant science and the human activities that affect the coast as a basis for development of management approaches. The programme is aimed at physical sciences and life sciences graduates, and also those who have demonstrable past or current coastal management responsibilities. Case studies from around the world are used to provide examples of coastal management issues and responses at local to international level and in both coastal land areas and coastal waters. Those students who progress to the MSc element will carry out a research project on a topic related to Coastal Management which will draw upon the material covered in the taught Postgraduate Diploma modules.

The minimum requirement for entry into the PGDip/MSc in Coastal Zone Management is either a good second class honours degree in an environmental/biological/related subject or an equivalent relevant professional qualification and at least three years work experience. Exceptionally, candidates who do not satisfy these requirements may be admitted by virtue of professional achievement and related work experience.

Contact: Professor Andrew Cooper, Professor of Coastal Studies
E-Mail: jag.cooper@ulster.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)28 70324429
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