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Die Datenbank enthält Veröffentlichungen, Reports, Dokumente, Strategien, Direktiven, Broschüren etc., die für die Küsten- (und Meeres-) Praxis bedeutsam sind. Alle Dokumente sind im PDF-Format verfügbar und werden auf unserem Server gespeichert, um eine ständige und nutzerfreundliche Verfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten.

Küsten-Dokumente suchen
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901 Köpke 2008 Köpke, K., OâMahony, C., Cummins, V. and Gault, J.. Assessment of Coastal Recreational Activity and Capacity for Increased Boating in Cork Harbour.. Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork., Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Haulbowline Naval Base, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland., 2008 - Project report, INTERREG IIIB Coastal Research and Policy Integration (COREPOINT) Project.. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
902 Cummins 2008 Cummins, V., Griffin, P., Gault, J., OâMahony, C., OâSuilleabhain, D.. Cork Harbour Integrated Management Strategy.. Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork., Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Haulbowline Naval Base, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland., 2008 - Project report, INTERREG IIIB Coastal Research and Policy Integration (COREPOINT) Project.. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
903 Cummins 2008 Cummins, V., Gault, J., OâMahony, C., Köpke, K., Griffin, P., Walsh, E., OâSuilleabhain, D.. Establishing Information Needs for Planning and Assessment of Recreation Activity in the Coastal Environment: A Case Study from Cork Harbour, Ireland.. 2008 - Proceedings of the International Pluridisciplinary Conference - The Littoral: Challenge, Dialogue, Action. 16th-18th January, Lille, France. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
904 O’Mahony 2009 OâMahony, C., Gault, J., Cummins, V., Köpke, K. and OâSuilleabhain, D.: Assessment of recreation activity and its application to integrated management and spatial planning for Cork Harbour, Ireland.. Marine Policy, 33(6): 930-937, 2009. Kein PDF verfügbar Artikel
905 Caroppo C. 2008 Caroppo C., Rubino F., Giordano L., Trono A., Forleo M., Petrocelli A. , Bellio G., Colella R., Palmieri N., Sclafani P., Siano R.,. âSystem Design for SSA14 Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy) - Spicosa Annual Report.. IAMC -CNR, Calata Porto di Massa, Porto di Napoli, Italy, 2008. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
906 Busch 1996 Busch, A.: Transition from endogenous to exogenous nutrition: larval size parameters determining the start of external feeding and size of prey ingested by Ruegen spring herring Clupea harengus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 130: 39-46, 1996. Kein PDF verfügbar Artikel
907 Caroppo C 2010 Caroppo C, Giordano L, Rubino F, Palmieri N, Bellio G, Bisci P.. âReport for Appraisal Step for deliverable D7.4 short versionâ Spicosa Annual Report.. IAMC, 2010. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
908 Caroppo C. 2009 Caroppo C., Giordano L., Rubino F., Trono A., Forleo M., Bellio G., Bisci P., Palmieri N., Ribera dâAlcalà M., Siano R. âScientific Report for Formulation Step SSA 14 Mar Piccolo of Taranto". IAMC, 2009. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
909 Caroppo C 2010 Caroppo C, Giordano L., Rubino F. , Palmieri N, Bellio G., Bisci A.P, Petrocelli A. Sclafani P. Hopkins T.S.,. Marsella E: âSustainable Management of the Coastal Environments in the Framework of the Spicosa Project: the study case of the Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Ionian, Mediterranean Sea)â. CNR, 2010. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Buch
910 Suárez de Vivero 2008 Suárez de Vivero, J L. An exercise in stakeholder participation planning for a hipotetical offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Cadiz(II). Working paper. A case study on public participation on projects/activities related coastal management and the involvement of stakeholders. 2008 - SPICOSA case study. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
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