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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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561 Lucius 2007 Lucius,I., Ferreira,M. . SPICOSA's WP 11 leader . Results of Virtual Communication workshop for SPICOSA Communication Team Members. 2007 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 11.3). Pdf available, click to open... Report
562 SPICOSA 2007 SPICOSA WP 12 Academic Training (UALG partner 11 and UoP partner 16). ICZM Graduate Level Courses (Review Report). 2007 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 12.1). Pdf available, click to open... Report
563 Erbguth 2007 Erbguth, W., Vandrey, A., Edler, J.. Integration der Küstengewässer: Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und IKZM. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 129-139. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
564 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K., Schernewski, G.. The German Küsten Newsletter of EUCC-D - spatial distribution, stock of readers and assessment of its quality. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 171-177. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
565 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K., Kannen, A., Ahrendt, K., Burkhard, B., Bruns, A., Diembeck, D., Gee, K., Glaeser, B., Grimm, B., Köhn, J., Michler, T., Nunneri, C., Stragies, S., Windhorst, W.. Szenarien über mögliche Zukünfte der Nordseeküste bis 2055 – Herangehensweise und methodische Gesichtspunkte mit Schwerpunkt auf sozioökonomischen Aspekten. In: Gönnert, G., Pflüger, B., Bremer, J.-A. (eds.). Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Coastline Reports (9), pp. 207-216. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
566 McFadden 2007 McFadden, L.: Governing Coastal Spaces: the case of disappearing science in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Coastal Management, 35(4): 429-443, 2007. No PDF available Article
567 Vafeidis 2007 Vafeidis, A.T., Nicholls, R.J., McFadden, L., Tol, R.S.J., Hinkel, J., Spencer, T., Grashoff, P.S., Boot, G. and Klein, R.J.T.: A new global coastal database for impact and vulnerability analysis to sea-level rise. Journal of Coastal Research, 24(4): 429-443, 2007. No PDF available Article
568 Vorlauf 2007 Vorlauf, A., Maack, S., Schernewski, G.. Aus der IKZM-Forschung lernen: Küstenbildung zur Odermündungsregion. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 179-190. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
569 Hirschfeld 2007 Hirschfeld, J.. Methoden der sozioökonomische Analyse zur Bewertung von Handlungsoptionen des Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagements. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 191-201. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
570 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K.. Scenarios as a tool for Integrated Costal Zone Management (ICZM) - how to handle the aspects of quality of life?. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 265-275. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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