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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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641 de Rooij-van der ... 1997 de Rooij-van der Goes, P.C.E.M., van Dijk, C., van der Putten, W.H., Jungerius, P.D.: Effects of sand movement by wind on nematodes and soil-borne fungi in coastal foredunes. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 3: 133-142, 1997. Pdf available, click to open... Article
642 Jungerius 1997 Jungerius, P.D., van der Meulen, F.: Aeolian dynamics in relation to vegetation in a blowout complex in the Meijendel dunes, The Netherlands. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 3: 63-70, 1997. Pdf available, click to open... Article
643 van der Maarel 1996 van der Maarel, E., van der Maarel-Versluys, M.: Distribution and conservation status of littoral vascular plant species along the European coasts. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2: 73-92, 1996. Pdf available, click to open... Article
644 Pergent-Martini 2002 Pergent-Martini, C., Pergent, G., van der Maarel, E.: Ecological research for integrated coastal zone management: Introduction. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 8: 107-108, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Article
645 van der Maarel 2004 van der Maarel, E., van der Meulen, F.: The Journal of Coastal Conservation, 1995-2004. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 10: 169-188, 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Article
646 Thor 2004 Thor, B., Gad Burgman, N.. Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Forests by the Baltic Sea. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 83-89. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
647 Schernewski 2002 Schernewski, G., Schiewer, U.: Baltic Coastal Ecosystems: Structure, Function and Coastal Zone Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
648 Schernewski 2002 Schernewski, G., Schiewer, U.. Status, problems and integrated management of Baltic coastal ecosystems: summary and conclusions. In: Schernewski, G., Schiewer, U.. Baltic Coastal Ecosystems: Structure, Function and Coastal Zone Management. pp. 1-16. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
649 Schiewer 2004 Schiewer, U., Schernewski, G.: Self-purification capacity and management of Baltic coastal ecosystems. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 10: 25-32, 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Article
650 Schiewer 2001 Schiewer, U., Schernewski, G.. Baltic Sea integrated coastal zone management - Results and conclusions of the WVU-Workshop (Rostock, Nov. 2000). 2001 - Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001, Stockholm 25.-29. November 2001, conference proceedings, 296. Pdf available, click to open... Report
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