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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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251 Pehlke 2009 Pehlke, H., Janßen, H., Scheibe, R.: Die regionalen Nutzungen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und im Odermündungsgebiet vor dem Hintergrund tief greifender Transformationsprozesse, IKZM-Oder Berichte (57). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
252 Hirschfeld 2009 Hirschfeld, J., Behrendt, H., Edler, J., Janßen, H., Knippschild, R., Czarnecka-Zawada, S.: Transformationsprozesse im Einzugsgebiet der Oder - Szenarien 2020, IKZM-Oder Berichte (56). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
253 Schunicht 2009 Schunicht, E., Schernewski, G., Scheibe, R.. Oderflut 1997: Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen. In: Schernewski, G., Hanßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 187-199. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
254 Mossbauer 2009 Mossbauer, M., Schernewski, G.. Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Forschungsprojekten: Erfahrungen am Beispiel der Odermündungsregion. (Co-operation and social learning between scientists and stakeholders in the Oder estuary region: A survey.) In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 143-160. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
255 Konstantinou Z. 2009 Konstantinou Z., Latinopoulos D., Krestenitis Y.N. Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assesment: An ambitious Idea, the implementation in a Greek study site and problems encountered. In: Sakellariou, D.(eds.). Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries. pp. 305-310. Hellenic Center of Marine Research, Athens, Greece, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
256 Konstantinou Z. 2009 Konstantinou Z., Latinopoulos D., Krestenitis Y.N. Problems and perspectives during the development of simulation models in the ICZM effort of Chalastra bay, Thermaikos gulf.. In: Liakopoulos, A., Kanakoudis, B., Anastasiadou-Partheniou, E., Tsihrintzis, B. (eds). Proceedins of the common conference of EYE and EEDYP for the Integrated Water Management under climate change conditions. pp. 495-502. University of Thessalia, Greece, Volos, Greece, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
257 Maack 2009 Maack, S., Dehne, P., Edler, J., Glaeser, B., Janssen, G., Janssen, H., Knippschild, R., Schabelon, H., Scheibe, R., Schernewski, Sekscinska, A., Stybel, N.. Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zur transdisziplinären Projektarbeit - Evaluation des Projektes IKZM-Oder. (Experiences of and recommendations for transdisciplinary reseach in the Oder Estuary.) In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 123-142. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
258 Fichtner 2009 Fichtner, T., Knippschild, R.. Cross-border aspects for Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Evidence from the Oder estuary and theoretical implications. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 5-10. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
259 Schernewski 2009 Schernewski, G., Neumann, T., Stybel, N., Behrendt, H., Fenske, C.. Coastal eutrophication management: Lessons learnt from long-term data and model simulations. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 101-111. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
260 Edler 2009 Edler, J.. Umweltgesetzbuch und IKZM – Umweltrecht im Wandel. (Environmental Code and ICZM – Environmental Law in Times of Change.) In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the Southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 37-51. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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