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Fickert, M., Strotmann, T.. Hydrodynamische Entwicklung der Tideelbe. In: Gönnert, G., Pflüger, B., Bremer, J.-A. (eds.) . Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Coastline Reports (9), pp. 59-68. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007.

Zusammenfassung: The river bed of the Elbe below Geesthacht underlies a dynamic hydromorphological change.
Unquestioned besides the natural processes also the anthropogenic impacts as fairway construction
and coastal protection have a stake. To ensure the competitiveness of the Port of Hamburg it is
necessary to adapt its seawards access to the shipbuilding developments on occasion. The last
deepening of the fairway of the lower and outer Elbe to the requirements of the world wide
container traffic was carried out in 1999/2000. The adaptation of the port access generally causes a
significant interference to nature, by which not only the flora and fauna changes but also the
dynamics of the tidal wave in the estuary. The modified water depths and fairway widths may
influence the tidal water levels, and with it the tidal amplitude, the periods of the high and low
water levels (shortening of the flood and corresponding lengthening of the ebb durations) as well as
the flood and ebb flow velocities. To analyse these changes the impact monitoring report of the last
fairway deepening established an extensive monitoring programme. The results of the monitoring
will be integrated in long term statistical analyses of the development of the tidal dynamics of the
Elbe since the beginning of its intensified use. Marginally also the issue of the dredging amounts in
the whole estuary is addressed.
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