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Avis, A.M.: An evaluation of the vegetation developed after artificially stabilizing South African coastal dunes with indigenous species. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 1: 41-50, 1995.


Abstract. A total of 17 sites along the eastern Cape coastline, which had been established with indigenous species, were sampled to assess species composition and abundance. The areas sampled ranged from small blowout dunes of 1 ha, to extensive transverse dune fields of 134 ha; age at the time of sampling ranged from 2 to 20 yr. The total mean percentage cover and density, alpha diversity and importance values of all the species were calculated and used to describe each site. A TWINSPAN analysis grouped sites of similar localities, mainly on the basis of their species composition. A DECORANA plot revealed that axis 1 corresponded to the position of sites along the coastline rather than other factors, such as age. The variability in species composition was related more to the types of species used for stabilization, rather than the natural distribution of the indigenous dune vegetation. The species ordination showed a similar gradient, and it was possible from this analysis to determine which species were more commonly used and better suited for dune stabilization. It is concluded that successful stabilization can be achieved using indigenous species.

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