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Gönnert, G., Thumm, S.. Das Risiko von Extremsturmfluten in Ästuaren angesichts globalen Klimawandels. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 77-86. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.


Climate Change will cause a rise of the sea level and probably more frequent and more violent storm surges. This has serious consequences for the safety of people as well as for their values and assets behind the dikes. It is therefore inevitable to first assess how sea level rise and an extreme storm surge event designes. In a second step it is possible to determine the risk for specific locations and develop strategies.

The joint research project XtremRisk – Extreme storm surges at open coasts and estuarine areas: Risk assessment and mitigation under climate change aspects, funded by the German Federal Government will help answering these questions. The „Source-Pathway-Receptor“ concept will be used as a basis for risk analysis and development of new strategies.

The project offers methods to assess the development of extreme events under the conditions of today. Building on this foundation it tries to design extreme events under conditions reflecting the climate change.
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