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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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Nr. Author Sorted descending Year Sorted descending Document  PDF available  Type 
281 Schernewski 2008 Schernewski, G., Behrendt, H., Neumann, T.: An integrated river basin-coast-sea modelling scenario for nitrogen management in coastal waters. Journal of Coastal Conservation, DOI: 10.1007/s11852-008-0035-6, 12: 53-66, 2008. No PDF available Article
282 Steingrube 2008 Steingrube, W., Scheibe, R.: Die Einrichtung von Fährverbindungen für Fahrradtouristen zur Querung des Usedomer Achterwassers, IKZM-Oder Berichte (55). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
283 McFadden 2008 McFadden, L, Green C. and Priest, S.. Social Science Indicators for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, London, 2008 - Published online report. Pdf available, click to open... Report
284 Pickaver 2008 Pickaver, A., Ferreira, M. (eds.): Coastal & Marine Challenges, Coast Line (17 (1)). EUCC - The Coastal Union, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
285 Volpi Girardini A. 2008 Ecological quality indices, biodiversity and environmental management for lagoon areas. In: Volpi Girardini A., Losso C., Arizzi Novelli A., Ghetti P.F.. A toxicity index for the Venice Lagoon. Research Programme 2004-2006, 2006 Results, CORILA (6), pp. 249-255. CORILA, Venice, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
286 McFadden 2008 In: McFadden, L., Green, C. Is stakeholder engagement too much like hard work? . Proceedings of Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008 conference, pp. 968-979. COPRI of ASCE, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and US Geologic Survey, Reston, VA, 2008. No PDF available Book
287 McFadden 2008 McFadden, L., Priest, S. and Green, C.. Introducing social learning: a guide for SPICOSA scientists. Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, London, 2008 - Published online report. Pdf available, click to open... Report
288 Hoffmann 2008 Hoffmann, J.: Probleme der Küste als Grundlage eines IKZM-Prozesses, IKZM-Oder Berichte (50). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
289 von Rohr 2008 von Rohr, G., Corves, C., Sterr, H. (eds.): The INTERREG IIIB ToLearn Project: Developing Sustainable Tourism in the North Sea Region, Coastline Reports (11). EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
290 Knippschild 2008 Knippschild, R.: IKZM-Grundsätze und IKZM-relevante Fachplanungen, IKZM-Oder Berichte (43). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2008. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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