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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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581 Skorupski 2012 Skorupski, J.. Industrial Animal Farming in Poland as a major threat to the natural environment of the Baltic Sea. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 45-53. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
582 Schmiedel 2012 Schmiedel, J.. Environmental values and threats to coastal areas and the Baltic Green Belt. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 35-44. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
583 Sterr 2012 Sterr, H., Maack, S.. ICZM climate change along the Baltic Green Belt . In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 25-33. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
584 Frobel 2012 Frobel,K., Spangenberg, A., Kreutz, M., Geidezis, L., Schneider-Jacoby, M., Schwaderer, G.. The European Green Belt initiative. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 13-23. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
585 Maack 2012 Maack, S., Günther, W.. The Baltic Green Belt Project - initial situation, application and set-up. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 1-11. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
586 Haller 2011 Haller, I., Schumacher, S., Stybel, N. (eds.): Coastal Climate Change - Protecting and adapting maritime regions, Coastal & Marine (20 (2011-3)). Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) / EUCC-D, Leiden / Rostock, 2011. Pdf available, click to open... Book
587 Krarup Leth 2013 Krarup Leth, O., Dahl, K., Peltonen, H., Krämer, I., Kule, L.(eds.): Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism, Coastline Reports (21). EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany, Rostock, 2013. Pdf available, click to open... Book
588 EUCC 2012 EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.: Meer & Küste Deutsche Ostsee, Meer & Küste (3). EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock-Warnemünde, 2012. Pdf available, click to open... Book
589 Stoll 2014 Stoll, F., Stybel, N., Pavia, C.: Aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region, Coastal & Marine (23 (2014-2)). Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), Leiden / Rostock, 2014. Pdf available, click to open... Book
590 EUCC 2016 EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany: Recalling ICZM - Insights from the Baltic, Coastal & Marine (25 (2016-2)). Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), Leiden/Rostock, 2016. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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