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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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601 Neumann 2001 Neumann, T., Schernewski, G.. Cost-effective versus proportional nutrient load reductions to the Baltic Sea: Spatial impact analysis with a 3D-ecosystem model. In: Brebbia, C.A. (ed.). Water Pollution IV - Modelling, Measuring and Protection. pp. 270-278. WITPRESS, Southampton, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Book
602 Schernewski 2002 Schernewski, G., Schiewer, U.. Status, problems and integrated management of Baltic coastal ecosystems: summary and conclusions. In: Schernewski, G., Schiewer, U.. Baltic Coastal Ecosystems: Structure, Function and Coastal Zone Management. pp. 1-16. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
603 Schernewski 2001 Schernewski, G. . Bathing water quality assessment, status and importance of integrated sustainable management along the German Baltic coast. In: Proceedings of the Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones and Instruments for its Evaluation’, International Conference October 22-27, 2000. Bremerhaven, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Book
604 Schernewski 2001 Schernewski, G.. Sustainable development of the German Baltic coasts: regional water quality problems and tourism. In: Proceedings of the Conference ‘Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones and Instruments for its Evaluation’, International Conference October 22-27, 2000. Bremerhaven, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Book
605 Schernewski 2002 Schernewski, G., Schmidt, H., Gärtner, K., Heger. M.-L.: ICZM in Eastern Germany, Coastline (11 (2)). EUCC - The Coastal Union, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
606 Schernewski 2003 Schernewski, G.. CHARMante Forschung - Die Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. In: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Leibniz (ed.). Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers. Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft – Qualität und Vielfalt. pp. 136-137. Bonn, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Book
607 Schernewski 2002 Schernewski, G.. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM): From European strategy to practise in Germany. In: Proceedings of the First German-Chinese Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering. pp. 149-159. 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
608 Schernewski 2003 Schernewski, G.. Zentrale Problemfelder für regionales Management und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste. In: Glaeser, B. (Hrsg.). Küste, Ökologie und Mensch: haben sie eine Zukunft? Integriertes Küstenmanagement als Instrument nachhaltiger Entwicklung. LIT-Verlag, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Book
609 Schernewski 2003 Schernewski, G., Neumann, T., Wielgat, M.. Zustand und modellgestützte Prognosen zur Wasserqualität in der Ostsee. In: Daschkeit, A., H. Sterr (Hrsg.). Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung. 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Berichte Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Universität Kiel (28), pp. 189-195. Büsum, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Book
610 Schernewski 2000 Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine, H. Siegel, T. Huttula: Instruments for water quality management and research in coastal zones: Flow and transport simulations across spatial scales. Periodicum biologorum, 102(Suppl. 1): 65-75, 2000. Pdf available, click to open... Article
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