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Schmiedel, J.. Environmental values and threats to coastal areas and the Baltic Green Belt. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 35-44. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012.

Abstract: The Baltic Green Belt contains special and valuable natural and cultural assets while also being affected and altered by multiple landscape uses. These are often compatible with the Green Belt assets and are sometimes even a prerequisite for their safeguarding. However, they may also arouse severe conflicts, permanently destroying Green Belt values or negatively altering habitat qualities.
PDF: CR20_pp_35-44_Schmiedel.pdf (1.773.500 Bytes)
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