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Grabemann, H.-J., Grabemann, I., Eppel, D.P.. Climate change and hydrodynamic impact in the Jade-Weser area: a case study. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 83-91. 2004.


Estimates of hydrodynamic stress patterns in coastal forelands and alterations caused by estimated climate change are important for planning of medium and long-term coastal defence measures, for sustainable use of coastal areas and for the investigation of ecological trends in these forelands. The impact of a climate change scenario (sea level rise, increased tidal range and stronger winds) on the hydrodynamic conditions in the Jade-Weser area is estimated from changes compared to the status quo. The variability of water levels, inundation characteristics and flow patterns is obtained from numerical simulations. In the climate scenario with status quo-topography the rise in water levels at the seaward boundaries propagates with slight deviations throughout the Jade- Weser area. During storms from the north-west the wind set-up increases towards the Jade Bay proper and the Weser estuary. Storm surge barriers in the Jade Bay and the Weser estuary as coastal protection measures in the climate scenario would increase the high water levels in the outer Weser estuary and at the eastern coast significantly. The implied decrease of eulittoral and supralittoral is of relevance not only for the ecological situation but also for coastal defence planning. Parts of the tidal flats are exposed longer to increased currents and waves, and therefore to increased bottom shear stresses. This investigation is part of the joint interdisciplinary project KRIM funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

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