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Hofstede, J.. A new coastal defence master plan for Schleswig-Holstein. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 109-117. 2004.


Schleswig-Holstein has a coastline of 1,190 km and about 3,800 km2 of flood-prone coastal lowlands. In these lowlands, which represent almost 25% of total surface area, 345,000 people live and economic assets worth of 46 billion Euros are concentrated. In the year 2001, the State Government of Schleswig-Holstein adopted a new master plan: “integrated coastal defence management in Schleswig-Holstein”. The plan was established to protect the flood-prone coastal lowlands in Schleswig-Holstein against the destructive forces of the sea, particularly with regard to the expected increase in the rate of sea level rise. It contains the general concept for coastal risk management in Schleswig-Holstein in the coming decades. For the first time in Germany, a master plan for one sector was established on the basis of the ICZM-principles, e.g., a (sector) vision as well as ten deduced (integrated) development goals for coastal defence were defined. After a description of the contents of the plan, this paper will focus on the steps taken to involve stakeholders and population in the process of plan development and implementation.

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