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Ballnus, F.. Die Küstenagenda 21 als Instrument zum Erreichen nachhaltiger Raumentwicklungen in den Küstenzonen der Ostsee. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 195-200. 2004.


Sustainable spatial development in coastal zones is only possible if society accepts and supports these developments. The integration of the public of coastal regions and municipalities gains importance due to the present development of concepts and instruments for the development and management of coastal zones. The Coastal Agenda 21 aims at the development of an actionoriented concept, in order to get closer to sustainable coastal zone development in the Baltic Sea Region. The Awareness-Raising of the public concerning present and forthcoming measures of utilisation in coastal zones and their active integration in concepts of coastal zone management are key issues, as well as the extension of their perception of the coast towards an land and sea integrative awareness. To fulfil this task, the existing concept and methods of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Local Agenda 21 can be combined to a Coastal Agenda 21, with an emphasis of a transregional and transnational network of local actors in the Baltic Sea Region. The Coastal Agenda 21 extends the concept of ICZM from the scientific and specialized perspective into the "real life", that means into the public environment, perception and adoption. The proposal of a transnational network of local actors for coast relevant tasks and issues is examined by concrete project case CoNet CZA 21 in practice.

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