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Janssen, G.. Harmonization of management plans: Natura 2000, Water Framework Directive and EU Recommendation on ICZM. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 251-258. 2004.


The mentioned European legislation corresponds in general with one very important point: the broad access of the public and the administrative implementation of these acts. The EU Water Framework Directive from 2000 (WFD) basically lays down that water management shall be done by Member States through river basins within river basin districts. Quite recently, this concept of river basin management is being included with the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Recommendation from 2002 (ICZM) to provide the key for the integrated development of the natural, economic and cultural environment within river basins and coastal areas. The EU Flora Fauna Habitat Directive from 1992 (Habitat Directive) lays down the establishment and conservation of the network of sites known as Natura 2000, in this areas the Member States are obliged to promote biodiversity by maintaining or restoring certain habitats and species at favourable conservation status within the context of Natura 2000 sites. These areas could also be so called protected areas under the regime of the WFD. Obviously there is a necessity to collaborate and to integrate different approaches of natural protecting aspects, because the water administrations policy differs in the most Member States with the policy of the natural protection offices. The WFD and the Habitat Directive correspond with important main targets. Both directives strengthen the precautionary principle, which is also mentioned in the ICZM. Furthermore both directives integrate the protection of aquatic ecological systems and species attending the objective of the potential natural condition of the ecological systems. The WFD and the Habitat Directive differ from the administrative approach. The FFH Directive is a more old fashioned act of EU legislation, it founds on the thinking of different districts of national administrations, the WFD has a modern approach with an administration in transnational river basin districts. Therefore the demand of harmonization is evident.

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