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Vestergaard, P., Alstrup, V.: Loss of organic matter and nutrients from a coastal dune heath in northwest Denmark caused by fire. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2: 33-40, 1996.


Abstract. The loss of organic matter and nutrients due to a natural fire in a Danish coastal dune heath system (175 ha) was studied for three heath types: dry Empetrum nigrum heath, moist E. nigrum-Vaccinium uliginosum heath, and wet Erica tetralix-Molinia coerulea heath. The highest loss of organic matter, as well as N, P and K, was found in the moist heath (67 %, 68 %, 20 % and 25 % respectively). The lowest loss was found in the wet heath (35 %, 28 %, 14 %, and 11 % respectively). The loss in the dry heath was intermediate. For the burnt heath in total, loss of organic matter, N, P and K of about 13000, 192, 10 and 6 tons respectively, was estimated. Processes of nutrient loss by fire and regeneration of nutrients are discussed.

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