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Breton, F., Esteban, P., Miralles, E.: Rehabilitation of metropolitan beaches by local administrations in Catalonia: new trends in sustainable coastal management. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 6: 97-106, 2000.


Abstract. The planning and management of coastal sites in Catalonia has been mainly concerned with rendering beaches functional for mass frequentation. This has caused serious problems for the beaches, including the alteration of dune formation processes and the destruction of beach vegetation and habitats. Municipal capacity to plan and manage beaches is theoretically very limited and relegated to the design of plans related to the maintenance of facilities for beach users. Nonetheless, a singular experience, led by a local council in the metropolitan area of  Barcelona demonstrates the crucial role that a local administration can play in achieving a balance between habitat preservation and social use based on sustainable coastal management objectives, in spite of a restrictive legislation.

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