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De Ruyck, A.M.C., Ampe, C., Langohr, R.: Management of the Belgian coast: Opinions and solutions. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 129-144, 2001.


Abstract. Since the beginning of the 20th century the Belgian coast has undergone important changes of which an overview is presented here. To determine the view of the Belgian public on the Belgian coast and in order to obtain their opinions and solutions to the problems along the Belgian coast, a questionnaire survey was conducted with a total of 100 respondents divided into five groups, all active in the coastal zone. The five groups included (1) politicians on various levels of authority, (2) coastal entrepreneurs and business people, (3) naturalists and scientists, (4) coastal residents and (5) tourists. Coastal zone problems, as perceived by the different groups, and their solutions are discussed. Former municipalities, in particular, were held responsible for the current coastal problems. Most respondents were skeptic about the application of recent juridical instruments (e.g. the Dune Decree), the structural plans and their power to protect the remaining natural areas. The root of the problems seems to lie in lack of coordination and communication between different authorities responsible for the coastal zone.

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