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Firn Crichton Roberts Ltd, Graduate School of Environmental Studies. An assessment of the socio-economic costs & benefits of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. 2000 - Final Report to The European Commission, EU Demonstration Programme of Integrated Management in Coastal Zones 1997-1999.

In January 2000 the European Commission awarded a contract to a team from Firn Crichton Roberts Ltd and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at the University of Strathclyde to assess the socioeconomic benefits generated to date through the adoption of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Europe. A central challenge for the team was to evolve an effective and logical methodological framework for assessing socio-economic benefits generated in Europe, especially by the ICZM Demonstration projects supported by the European Commission
PDF: iczm_report.pdf (480.256 Bytes)
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