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van Buuren, J., Smit, T., Poot, G., van Elteren, A., Kamp, O.: Testing of Indicators for the marine and coastal environment in Europe - Part 1: Eutrophication and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Technical report (84). European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2002.

Indicator reporting by the European Environment Agency (EEA) is based on information collected regularly, much of it on an annual basis. Indicators are being developed to facilitate communication on the present and future state of the environment in relation to European environmental policies. Indicator testing and reporting by the European Topic Centres (ETCs) are necessary for the further harmonisation of assessment reports from the EEA and organisations administering the regional conventions for European marine waters.

This report is the first of three volumes, which describe the development of coastal indicators by the European Topic Centre on Marine and Coastal Environment (ETC/MCE) during the years 1998–2001. It explains the process and results of a study of potential pressure and state indicators for eutrophication. This study involved identification of data availability (initial phase) and subsequent processing of a selected set of descriptive parameters for eutrophication (detailed assessment). The report also describes the development of, and information gathering for, a response indicator measuring progress in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) at the subnational (regional) level within the European Union. The primary aim of this report is to test indicators for EEA reporting in relation to the development of a core set of indicators and not to make assessments.
PDF: IKZM_Indikatoren_EEA.pdf (4.276.170 Bytes)
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