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Landman, J.. Der Beitrag des Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM) für ein nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement in Küstengebieten - eine literaturtheoretische Vergleichsanalyse. In: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.. International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Coastline Reports (13), pp. 155-171. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.


A contribution of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) for a sustainable area management for coastal regions – an analytical comparison based on theoretical literature. This article presents a literature supported discussion on the themes of the ICZM and Sustainable Area Management in Germany. Substantially, it is based on the theoretical analysis of a final submission presented for a degree at the University of Lueneburg. The comparison of the ICZM concept with ‚the current train of thought‘ of the Sustainable Area Management (for the minimisation of land use, population and traffic) is the focus of this literature theoretical research. The main target is to work out trends and tendencies.  As a basis for discussion, after due consideration, ICZM can be divided into four identified categories: idealistic model, process, procedure, and integration level. In this article the ICZM-levels and their relevant aspects will be used for a systematic comparison with the concept of the Sustainable Area Management. One aspect that the comparison yields is, that the aim of the sustainable development and the demands for vision - and sought-after developments for certain areas of vision in their inception - are both nearly established at the same level. Unfortunately, the global and comprehensive way of viewing this, which is aimed for in an ICZM, has until now rarely been discussed by Sustainable Area Management. In future this should be accepted more readily, especially for area developments whenever they are in close proximity to coastal edges. New models of procedure for the ICZM, which focus more on participation now, offer feasible solutions for the area management and could be used as examples in concrete conflicts of land use. The results show that there are many parallels in both science and subject discourses, whereby ICZM considers, from the beginning, more the basic framework and mutual effects or interaction consequences. As a result of this synopsis, Sustainable Area Management in coastal regions should be understood as part of the ICZM. It should follow the basic thoughts and criteria of the ICZM in order to be able to establish a sustainable coastal development strategy, with all things considered, on a grand scale.

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