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Scheibe, R.. Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement und Tourismus - eine Bilanz für das Odermündungsgebiet. In: Kannen, A., Schernewski, G., Krämer, I., Lange, M., Janßen, H., Stybel, N. (eds.). Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Coastline Reports (15), pp. 139-149. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.


Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors of the coastal regions worldwide; the Baltic Sea Region is the tourism destination with the highest rate of economic growth in Europe. Due to the manifold interactions and potential conflicts between tourism and other sectors the holistic approach of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) seems to be one of the most suitable instruments for the future development. The article analyses the significance of tourism in basic ICZM-documents on European, national and regional level as well as the implementation of ICZM in documents concerning tourism development. Key problems for ICZM activities in the tourism sector will be strategies for mitigation and adaptation on climate change, the land consumption for growing tourism infrastructure and the problem of carrying capacity in tourism destinations, the safety and security of marine transport and leisure boating, the water quality as well as social and cultural aspects in the destinations. Most of the ICZM-instruments (sustainability, regulatory framework, communication and participation, knowledge transfer) fit to the tourism sector; some of them bring new conflicts (renewable energy) or show special limitations due to the materialistic character of the tourism sector (e.g. early public communication of investment intentions).

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