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Kaiser, G., Römer, H., Arp, D., Sterr, H., Ludwig, R.. Use of high resolution geodata for inundation modelling as part of a tsunami risk assessment in thailand. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 25-34. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.


The mega-tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004 strongly impacted the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand and devastated settlements, tourism resorts and coastal ecosystems. In addition to the tragic loss of many lives, the destruction or damage of life-supporting infrastructure, such as buildings, roads, or water & power supply caused high economic losses in the region.

To mitigate future tsunami impacts there is a need to assess tsunami risks in vulnerable coastal areas at the Andaman Sea coast and to develop adequate risk management strategies.

In the bilateral German-Thai research project TRAIT mechanisms, impacts and long term consequences of the 2004 tsunami are investigated in order to conduct a local risk assessment and to design a comprehensive risk analysis tool. Methods are developed for detailed hazard analysis as well as for vulnerability analysis of the socio-economic and the ecological system combining field investigations, household and company surveys, remote sensing techniques and numerical modelling. This paper deals with the hazard analysis as one part of a risk assessment.

Hazard analysis on a local scale requires detailed knowledge of the topography and the inundation flow dynamics. Thus a high resolution digital elevation model was generated based on remote sensing data. Moreover, to include the damping effect of vegetation on the tsunami waves, a field campaign was conducted to derive roughness parameters for different land use classes in the region. Based on an object-oriented land-use classification these values were transferred into a site specific roughness map. Including a deep sea and near shore bathymetry, mult-scale resolution topographic data, roughness maps and information on structural patterns like buildings, a numerical tsunami inundation simulation could be performed. A comparison of the first results shows that the resolution of the geo basis data strongly influences the accuracy of inundation simulations and the applicability of inundation maps for risk assessment and management.
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