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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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421 Feilbach 2005 Feilbach, M.. Bestandsanalyse des IKZM Stettiner Haff aus deutscher Sicht am Beispiel Tourismus. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 19-24. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. Pdf available, click to open... Book
422 Cieślak 2005 Cieślak, A.. Narodowa strategia ZZOP: Zarys polskiego punktu widzenia. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 11-18. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. Pdf available, click to open... Book
423 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K., Schernewski, G.. The German Küsten Newsletter of EUCC-D - spatial distribution, stock of readers and assessment of its quality. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 171-177. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
424 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K., Kannen, A., Ahrendt, K., Burkhard, B., Bruns, A., Diembeck, D., Gee, K., Glaeser, B., Grimm, B., Köhn, J., Michler, T., Nunneri, C., Stragies, S., Windhorst, W.. Szenarien über mögliche Zukünfte der Nordseeküste bis 2055 – Herangehensweise und methodische Gesichtspunkte mit Schwerpunkt auf sozioökonomischen Aspekten. In: Gönnert, G., Pflüger, B., Bremer, J.-A. (eds.). Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Coastline Reports (9), pp. 207-216. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
425 Licht-Eggert 2007 Licht-Eggert, K.. Scenarios as a tool for Integrated Costal Zone Management (ICZM) - how to handle the aspects of quality of life?. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 265-275. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
426 Glaeser 2005 Glaeser, B., Sekścińska, A., Löser, N.. Regionale IKZM-Prozesse im Kontext der nationalen Strategie. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 1-9. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. Pdf available, click to open... Book
427 Schabelon 2007 Schabelon, H.. Fischerei und deren natürliche Grundlagen in der westlichen Odermündungsregion - räumliche und zeitliche Aspekte sowie Bezüge zu weiteren wasserbezogenen Nutzungen. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 41-57. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
428 Erbguth 2007 Erbguth, W., Vandrey, A., Edler, J.. Integration der Küstengewässer: Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und IKZM. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 129-139. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007. Pdf available, click to open... Book
429 Schernewski 2005 Schernewski, G., Löser, N., Sekścińska, A.. Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management (ICARM): The Oder/Odra case study. In: Glaeser, B., Sekscinska, A., Löser, N. (eds.). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon: Exchange of experiences in the region. Coastline Reports (6), pp. 43-54. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2005. Pdf available, click to open... Book
430 Burbridge 2004 Burbridge, P.R.. A Critical Review of Progress towards Integrated Coastal Management in the Baltic Sea Region. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 63-75. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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