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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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581 Peippo 2004 Peippo, M., Hilke-Aaramo, K., Vuojärvi-Torhamo, V.. Municipality of Uusikaupunki as a pilot for Coastal Management Strategy for Southwest Finland. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 97-101. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
582 Cardoso da Silva 2004 Cardoso da Silva, M., Carmona Rodrigues, A.: Environmental indicators as tools for the management of estuaries - Methodology and case study of the Tejo estuary. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 10: 13-24, 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Article
583 Janssen 2004 Janssen, G.. Harmonization of management plans: Natura 2000, Water Framework Directive and EU Recommendation on ICZM. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 251-258. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
584 Ballnus 2004 Ballnus, F.. Die Küstenagenda 21 als Instrument zum Erreichen nachhaltiger Raumentwicklungen in den Küstenzonen der Ostsee. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 195-200. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
585 Flöser 2004 Flöser, G.. The New LOICZ. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 259-269. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
586 Jakobsen 2004 Jakobsen, O., Meurers-Balke, J., Hoffmann-Wieck, G., Thiede, J.. Postglazialer Meeresspiegelanstieg in der südwestlichen Ostsee - Geoarchäologische Ergebnisse aus der Niederung des Oldenburger Grabens (Ostholstein). In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 9-21. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
587 Glaeser 2004 Glaeser, B.. Social Science Responses to New Challenges for the Coast. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 201-211. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
588 Kazakos 2004 Kazakos, W.. Metadata in Coastal Areas - Perspectives and Experiences. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 245-250. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
589 Numminen 2004 Numminen, S.. Coastal co-operation in SW Finland: Problems and challenges. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 91-95. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
590 Bungenstock 2004 Bungenstock, F., Mauz, B., Schäfer, A.. The late Holocene sea level rise at the East Frisian coast (North Sea): New time constraints provided by optical ages of coastal deposits. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 37-41. 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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