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Demetra L. Orthodoxou, Xenia I. Loizidou, Michael I. Loizides. D2.4 â Booklet for Guidance âWhat-to-do: problem â processes â solutionâ . 2015 - from the MARLISCO Project.


This deliverable is ‘The MARLISCO Guide for Reducing Marine Litter: Get Inspired and Become Innovative Through Best Practices’, which has been developed to provide an overview of the types of activities that different stakeholders could implement to reduce marine litter. Through a user-friendly approach that combines background information and best practice case studies, the Guide provides practical guidelines on the implementation of practices for the reduction of marine litter that fall within the following categories:

- Practices targeting plastics
- Economic and market based instruments
- Policies/regulations to minimise marine litter
- Waste from rivers
- Floating litter
- Seabed litter
- Waste from ships
- Practices targeting cigarette butts
- Beach clean-ups
- Working with schools
- Integrated approaches to the marine litter problem
- Raising awareness
- Promoting social responsibility
- ‘Other’ types of practices
PDF: MARLISCO_D2.4_v5.pdf (11.341.521 Bytes)
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