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UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund. Handlungsempfehlungen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung im EU-Vogelschutzsgebiet "Greifswalder Bodden" auf der Grundlage der räumlichen und zeitlichen Ordnung der Erfordernisse des Biotop- und Artenschutzes sowie der Nutzungsanforderungen und -potenziale. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 267-271. 2004.


The Important Bird Area (IBA) “Greifswalder Bodden” is a Special Protection Area (SPA) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The SPA is part of the most important wintering area for waterfowl during winter in the entire Baltic Sea. The area is also important for migratory and breeding waterfowl. However, the Greifswalder Bodden offers also excellent opportunities for a development of various kinds of maritime tourism (e.g. harbours for leisure boats). The project aims to develop strategies, which allow an intensification of the maritime tourism without further severe damages and other negative effects to the nature environment. The action plan for a further development of maritime tourism industries in the SPA “Greifswalder Bodden” will include per example the followings tasks:

• spatial and temporal separation of areas for maritime leisure activities and important marine habitats,

• concentration of maritime leisure activities at ports for leisure boats with a high quality standard near urban areas

• protection an development of special zones without any human activities especially water leisure activities and fishing

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