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Bridge, L., Salman, A.. Policy Instruments of ICZM in Nine Selected European Countries. EUCC - The Coastal Union, 2000 - Final Study Report, Prepared for the Dutch National Institute for Coastal & Marine Management.

The National Institute for Coastal & Marine Management in the Netherlands - RIKZ is currently involved in the preparation of policy documents concerning the Dutch coastal zone. It is working at a very strategic level, looking towards the next fifty years. An initial review “Spatial Planning in European Coastal Zones” was commissioned in 1998 by RIKZ to describe spatial planning, coastal policy and coastal defence regulations in the countries of the European Union and Baltic States. The main contractor of this study was Delft Hydraulics in cooperation with the European Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC).
In order to inspire national policy development, this further study has been commissioned to gain an insight into how other countries manage their coastal zones and to provide an initial view on the effectiveness of these approaches.
PDF: EUCC_ICZM_policy.pdf (429.660 Bytes)
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