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EU. International High Level Conference on Coastal Areas and Cities in Europe. Crete, 2003 - HELLENIC PRESIDENCY 2003, Crete, 29-31 May 2003.

Recognizing the importance of early action in European coastal zones, the Hellenic Presidency of the European Union (Ministry of Physical Planning, the Environment and Public Works) organized a High Level Conference in Crete on the 29-30th of May 2003 on Coastal areas and Cities to explore the next steps towards a European Strategy for Coastal Zones as stated in the Council Resolution (2001) and following the earlier initiatives of the Spanish Presidency High level Forum in Alicante (2002), under the Danish Presidency (2002) for cities and the Swedish initiative on small and medium size cities.
PDF: EU_ICZM_high_level_forum_2003.pdf (15.699 Bytes)
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