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Schernewski, G., Neumann, T., Stybel, N., Behrendt, H., Fenske, C.. Coastal eutrophication management: Lessons learnt from long-term data and model simulations. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 101-111. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009.


River basins have to be taken into account in ICZM approaches and are imperative for coastal water and coastal sea management. To analyse and assess the impact of the Oder river basin on coastal water quality during the last 40 years, we apply a spatially integrated, large-scale model approach covering the entire river basin – river – coastal water – sea system. For this purpose the river basin model MONERIS is linked to the three-dimensional ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea (ERGOM). The preliminary results of the Oder/Odra lagoon eutrophication history clearly indicate that river basin management alone will not be not sufficient, to reach a “good water quality” according to the Water Framework Directive. Additional internal management measures in the lagoon, like mussel farms, are necessary to remove nutrients and to improve the water quality. Comprehensive, cost-efficient water quality management has to take economic and social aspects into account, as well. Water transparency is assumed to be a suitable indicator for water quality (status of eutrophication) and serves as the major link between ecology and economy. In a draft conceptual model we consider nutrient emission trading as the major funding mechanism for management measures. This funding is supported by tourism and the sale of mussel farming products. Some consequences for coastal water management are discussed.

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