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Butts, M.B., Overgaard, J., Graham, D., Dubicki, A., Strońska, K., Szalinksa, W., Lewandowski, A., Olszewski, T., Kolerski, T., Larsen, O.: Process-based Hydrological Modelling Framework MIKE SHE for Flood Forecasting on the Upper and Middle Odra, ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005. Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland, 2005.


Distributed hydrological modelling has the potential to improve estimates of streamflow and water levels both for hydrological simulation and for flood forecasting (Smith et al. 2004). The increased focus on distributed modelling approaches to flood forecasting is motivated by increasing access to high resolution operational rainfall estimates by meteorological modelling, radar and satellite remote sensing, as well as GIS databases of catchment properties and increasing computer power. One of the central objectives of the EU 5th framework project FLOODRELIEF (http://projects.dhi.dk/floodrelief/) is to develop improved methods for flood forecasting by exploring new approaches to distributed modelling. Within FLOODRELIEF a novel and flexible grid-based flood forecasting model has been developed based on the MIKE SHE modelling system. This new modelling tool was applied within the Distributed Model Intercomparison Project DMIP to modeling of the US National Weather Service study catchment, the Blue River Basin using NEXRAD radar-based precipitation fields. Currently this novel distributed hydrological modelling framework is being applied to the Upper and Middle Odra river in Poland. In this paper, the performance of the modelling system for these two study catchments is examined.

PDF: Flood_Forecasting_on_the_Upper_and_Middle_Odra.pdf (1.250.851 Bytes)
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