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Dronkers, J.. Coordination with European Projects. 2009 - SPICOSA project (Deliverable 11.5).

Abstract: The Work Task 11.2 “Interproject Exchange” aims at organizing effective liaisons with international projects of major interest for the objectives of SPICOSA, in order to achieve greatest possible synergies. In the first Work Task period this objective has been pursued through a partner search mediated by the ENCORA Coordination Offices established in 13 EU countries and 5 non-EU countries. The evaluation of this partner search procedure has learned that such an indirect and non focused search does not yield the expected results. Besides, several difficulties for liaising with other projects and with institutions responsible for the implementation of water policy have been identified. Recommendations for overcoming these difficulties will be implemented in the next Work Task period. A new approach for interproject exchange is proposed and some promising results of this approach are highlighted.
More emphasis will be put on the transfer of project results to the practitioners community. Therefore a SPICOSA Wiki will be created and maintained, which is fully embedded in the existing Coastal Wiki.
PDF: D11.5 Coordination European Projects_2ndInterim report_v1.pdf (164.697 Bytes)
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