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Cazzin, M., Ghirelli L., Mion D., Scarton, F.: Completamento della cartografia della vegetazione e degli habitat della laguna di Venezia: Anni 2005-2007. (Final mapping of vegetation and habitats in the lagoon of Venice: years 2005-2007)Lavori Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali, 34: 81-89, 2009.

Zusammenfassung: From 2006 to 2007 it was brought to the end the vegetation mapping of saltmarshes and reedbeds occurring  in the open lagoon of Venice (fish farms and “Casse di Colmata” A, B and D/E were not included). Research was conducted as part of the C.8.6 "Monitoring of morphological interventions" study, on behalf of the Magistrato alle Acque-Consorzio Venezia Nuova. The entire map resulting  is of considerable importance both for the breadth of the study and  for the accuracy on investigation. Digitization took place using ArcGis 9.x  (1:5.000) on the basis of Ikonos (2001) and QuickBird (2003) images, as well as airborne images (2005 - 2006). Among the habitats of European Community importance,  there were significant areas of the Mediterranean salt steppes (Nature 2000 code: 1510, Limonietalia), with  782 hectares; Salicornia and other annuals colonising mud and sand (1310), with  655 hectares; Spartina swards (1320, Spartinion maritimae), with 482 hectares; Mediterranean salt meadows (1410, Juncetalia Maritime), with  347 hectares; Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (1420, Sarcocornietea fruticosae), with  626 hectares; Annual vegetation of drift lines (1210), with  80 hectares. 
PDF: Cazzin vegetation mapping Venice salt marshes.pdf (3.239.236 Bytes)
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