Deutsch English

Michler-Cieluch, T.. Offshore Co-Management: Ein antizipierendes Modell für eine räumliche Integration von Offshore-Windparks und mariner Aquakultur. In: Kannen, A., Schernewski, G., Krämer, I., Lange, M., Janßen, H., Stybel, N. (eds.). Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Coastline Reports (15), pp. 59-70. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.

Zusammenfassung: Taking into consideration increasing spatial competition in offshore environments, this paper deals with the potential of future integration of two different business sectors in the North Sea, namely offshore wind energy generation and marine aquaculture (mariculture), the latter focusing on the cultivation of mussels. The present article presents the key findings of a transdisciplinary doctoral thesis on the social/human dimensions of such wind farm-mariculture integration. The investigation was driven by the fundamental question – is it really possible to continue to manage and develop all the different and frequently overlapping maritime activities independently of one another? And was initiated by the joint research project Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures in June 2004. Altogether, it was the objective to find future directions for implementing and managing cross-sectoral ocean-use activities. The introductory section briefly describes the present ocean use situation of the German North Sea, including the implementation of offshore wind farms. Focus is placed on the idea to combine different ocean uses such as wind farming and marine aquaculture under a combined management schemes. It is emphasized that an actual realization of such a project faces a number of manageable to complex socio-economic, technical and legal planning challenges, such as the provision of an institutional and regulatory framework that governs multiple offshore use. In the following the article refers to the concept of an adapted form of co-management as the theoretical framework to provide guidance in the management approach for integrating wind farms and mariculture in an offshore location. The methodological section substantiates the use of questionnaire surveys and semi-structured telephone interviews with representatives of the two principal potential adopter groups for this kind of spatial integration, namely wind farm developers/operators and mussel harvesters. In the results and discussion section the article presents the identified necessary organizational and regulatory framework for a future integration of offshore wind farms and marine aquaculture, and discusses the fundamental concerns that can be identified from the interviews. Finally, a possibility is shown how land use conflicts in the offshore area of the North Sea by integrative comanagement approaches could be resolved.
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