Deutsch English

Discussion on the Fish Dependence Day

Date: 29 April 2017
Website: https://slowfood.de/termine/termine_25_jahre_slow_food_deutschland/fish_depen...
Place: Überseemuseum, Diorama 360°, Bahnhofsplatz 13, 28195 Bremen, GERMANY

From the 29th of April the consumption of fish in Germany this year is, purely arithmetically, only possible with the help of imports. The in the year 2017 caught fish of the German fleets has been exhausted from the "Fish Dependence Day". This day is determined annually by the New Economics Foundation.

The event begins at 12 o'clock.

Please register in good time.

Contact: Andrea Lenkert-Hörrmann
E-Mail: projektbeauftragte@slowfood.de
Telephone: 0151-153 081 86
Fax: 0721-781 54 123
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