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Climate Change Water

Date: 25 - 27 May 2021
Website: https://ccw2021.sciencesconf.org/?forward-action=index&forward-controller=ind...
Place: Online

This international conference is open to the academic world and socio-economic partners concerned by the variability of the water cycle and adaptation to extreme events.

Climate change is disrupting the water cycle. Impacts are observed in all environments and socio-ecosystems: forests, soils, lakes, cities, and so on. The MiDi (Environments & Diversity) network and its partners propose to focus on the different forms of impacts of climate change via its effect on water. Indeed, if the general trend of global warming is observed in all regions of the world, where are the findings and responses to climate extremes such as droughts, floods, heat waves and sudden and intense rainfall?

For this second edition of Climate Change Water, special attention will be paid to the vine and the forest as an object as well as to the particular hydrometeorological extreme that are droughts. This choice does not exclude papers on any other subject of study as well as on other climatic extremes.

The event will follow the lead of the 1st Climate Change and Water conference and address the latest developments in research on extreme events, evolution and acceleration of the effects of climate change on the water cycle, understanding extreme weather events and forecasting, adaptation to climate change, management, governance and strategy.

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