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Final Meeting of the Project

Date: 27 April 2017
Website: http://www.cbss.org/event/final-event-towards-baltic-2030-talk-work/?instance...
Place: CBSS Secretariat, Slussplan 9, Stockholm, SWEDEN

I would like to invite you to participate in the final meeting of our project Towards Baltic 2030 – From Talk to Work on the 27th April in CBSS Secretariat, Slussplan 9, Stockholm.


In this event we want to share the knowledge we gathered within the project. After visiting  6 countries and talking to more than 100 stakeholders we would like to discuss the further steps that will enable us to work together in the region for accomplishing the global goals. In addition, we will listen to the experiences of speaker coming from different governance levels regarding concrete examples on how to tackle sustainability. Government, local institutions, civil society, business, and research will present their views.


During our event, we will also introduce the concept of Baltic 2030 Action Plan, a unique macro-regional strategic document which will be discussed by the Expert Group on Sustainable Development on the 17th May in Reykjavík with the plan to be endorsed by our Foreign Ministers in June 2017. This will be the occasion for you to provide first hand input in this document which will guide us until 2030!


Finally, we will show you the concept of the web-based collaborative platform for SDGs exchange of knowledge in the region, and it will be very important for us to have your feedback before it goes online!
Contact: Bernd Hemingway, Deputy Director General, Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat, P.O. Box 2010, SE-103 11 Stockholm, Sweden
E-Mail: Bernd.Hemingway@cbss.org
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