Deutsch English


Date: 13 - 15 September 2017
Website: http://youmares.net/
Place: Kiel, GERMANY

Starting off as a national students' event, Youmares has expanded over the years to a bottom-up worldwide network and international meeting of young ocean researchers and experts.
Preceded by the annual meeting of the German Society of Marine Research (DGM) and the DGM-Forum, Youmares 7 was again a great success where we could enjoy the various talks and workshops as well as spending time together. Many ideas and contacts were exchanged which is the main idea - and it was truly inspiring.

 Youmares 8 will take place in Kiel on September 13-15th 2017.
We are very happy that we can meet at Kiel University, place of the Cluster of Excellence 'The Future Ocean' with organisational support of the 'Integrated School of Ocean Sciences' (ISOS). So, please save that date.

Abstract Submission: 31 May 2017
Registration: 31 May 2017
Contact: E-Mail: info@youmares.net
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