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Coastal Projects and Case Studies

The database contains world-wide applied coastal (and marine) projects and regional case studies. To search in the database you can enter a term into the search field or sort the content by clicking on table titles (data, name or country etc.). Many users ensure the success of the databases. Therefore, we like to ask you to enter information about your projects and case studies to the databases as well.

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Nr. Acronym Sorted ascending Title Sorted ascending Duration  Last Update 
61 COSYNA Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas 02/07/10
62 SKINT North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies 2008-2012 23/07/10
63 South Baltic WebLab 06/10/10
64 Baltadapt Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2010-2013 15/02/17
65 BALTIC GAS 06/10/10
66 co2olBricks 2010-2013 02/08/11
67 CleanShip Clean baltic sea shipping 2010-2013 02/08/11
68 OILECO Integrating ecological values in the decision making process on oil 2005-2007 29/06/07
69 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Poland: Shipping & economic development, Vistula Lagoon 2015-2018 05/02/18
70 Awareness Building of the Effects of Climate Change for Coastal Residents and Tourists 2006-2006 15/02/17
71 IKZM-Study 2003-2004 15/02/17
72 Enhancing Capacity of Youth for Improved Coastal Zone Management in Ghana and Germany 2013-2013 15/02/17
73 Dolphin Fund Deutschland 2008- 16/02/17
74 UDEMM Umweltmonitoring für die Delaboration von Munition im Meer 2016-2019 12/04/17
75 BONUS OPTIMUS Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea 2017-2020 12/05/17
76 MERCES Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas 2016-2020 19/06/17
77 RELEEZE RELease from coastal squEEZE 2017-2018 04/07/17
78 MF Migratory fish 2016-2017 14/07/17
79 IOCCP International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project 2005- 06/09/17
80 UNDINE II Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience II 2017-2019 20/10/17
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