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Sachtleber, E., Ratkeviča, A.. Involving Stakeholders along the Baltic Green Belt of Latvia. In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 77-87. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012.

Abstract: An essential part of nature protection is involving stakeholders by communicating the need and the benefits from conserving nature. This is very often not easy to handle, the communication with important stakeholders can be disrupted and communication with these stakeholders might malfunction. In these cases a neutral mediator can influence the process and atmosphere of communication in a way that most disruptions and barriers can be overcome. The Slitere National Park is taken as an example for the processes of communication in nature protection and the impact of a neutral stakeholder in a complicated communication regime. This paper analyses the process of communication, which circumstances influenced this process, the history of the area and its stakeholders. As a result, general guidelines for strategic communication with stakeholders in nature protection are given.
PDF: CR20_pp_77-87_Sachtleber_Ratkevica.pdf (594.254 Bytes)
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