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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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741 Edler 2009 Edler, J.. Umweltgesetzbuch und IKZM – Umweltrecht im Wandel. (Environmental Code and ICZM – Environmental Law in Times of Change.) In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the Southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 37-51. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
742 Nandelstädt 2009 Nandelstädt, T.. Leitlinien für Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM) in Deutschland. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the Southern Baltic Sea region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 11-23. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
743 Maack 2009 Maack, S., Dehne, P., Edler, J., Glaeser, B., Janssen, G., Janssen, H., Knippschild, R., Schabelon, H., Scheibe, R., Schernewski, Sekscinska, A., Stybel, N.. Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zur transdisziplinären Projektarbeit - Evaluation des Projektes IKZM-Oder. (Experiences of and recommendations for transdisciplinary reseach in the Oder Estuary.) In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 123-142. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
744 Schernewski 2009 Schernewski, G., Neumann, T., Stybel, N., Behrendt, H., Fenske, C.. Coastal eutrophication management: Lessons learnt from long-term data and model simulations. In: Schernewski, G., Janßen, H., Schumacher, S. (eds.). Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Coastline Reports (12), pp. 101-111. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2009. Pdf available, click to open... Book
745 Holzwarth 2010 Holzwarth, I., Kösters, F.. Effects of Changes in Sea Level on the Tidal Dynamics of the River Weser. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 97-100. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
746 Radegast 2010 Radegast, C., Strotmann, T., Ferk, U.. Studies on the Development of Wind set-up in the River Elbe. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 63-70. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
747 Dolch 2010 Dolch, T.. Coarsening of tidal flat sediments - long-term mud depletion in a tidal bay in the northern Wadden Sea (SE North Sea). In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 59-62. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
748 Sossidi 2010 Sossidi, K., Gönnert, G., Ackermann, D.. GIS-gestützte Analyse des Überflutungsrisikos in Hamburg unter Berücksichtigung der EG-Hochwasserrichtlinie. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 87-96. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
749 Gönnert 2010 Gönnert, G., Thumm, S.. Das Risiko von Extremsturmfluten in Ästuaren angesichts globalen Klimawandels. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 77-86. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
750 Munderloh 2010 Munderloh, H.. Costs of sea-level rise under different climatic and socio-economic scenarios: an application of the DIVA model. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 101-103. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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