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EGU 2024 - Session: Beyond the shoreline: Coastal Dunes, Aeolian Processes, and Human Impacts

Date: 14 - 19 April 2024
Website: https://www.egu24.eu/
Place: Austria Center Vienna (ACV), AUSTRIA

Session Details:

Convener: Glenn Strypsteen 

Co-conveners: Michel Riksen, Jan-Markus Homberger, Andreas Baas, Kathelijne M. Wijnberg

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 10, 2024 13:00 CET

EGU Conference Dates: April 14-19, 2024

Location: Vienna, Austria


Session Overview: 

Coastal dunes, essential for safety and habitat development, are facing unprecedented challenges due to climate change factors. Increased storm events, shifting wind patterns, and rising sea levels are influencing the long-term evolution of coastal landscapes, creating a complex interplay of internal dynamics within the eco-physical system.

Despite qualitative insights into individual factors shaping coastal dune landscapes, a critical gap exists in quantifying their integrated effects on a landscape scale. This session aims to bridge that knowledge gap by exploring the intricate relationships between coastal dunes, aeolian sediment transport, human interventions, climate change, and ecosystem functions.

Why Participate?

•           Explore cutting-edge research in coastal dunes, aeolian processes, and human impacts.

•           Foster knowledge exchange through field measurements/experiments and modelling.

•           Contribute to the development of management strategies for safeguarding coastal ecosystems.

Abstract Submission: 10 January 2024
Early Registration: 18 March 2024
Contact: Copernicus Meetings
E-Mail: egu24@copernicus.org
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