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LIFE: Boreal Baltic Coastal Meadow Preservation in Estonia

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt
Webseite: http://klient.arhitektuur.ee/life/index_eng.shtml
Dauer: 2001 - 2004

Considering the drastic decline of the coastal meadows, the Estonian Ministry of environment has initiated this project which aims at preserving and restoring coastal meadow areas. The dissimination programme for the project includes training workshops and study tours to Denmark for Estonian experts. Measures are taken to increase public awareness of the problem. 

Kontakt: Voldemar Rannap
Ministry of the Environment
Rävala pst. 8-C415
10143 Tallinn
Telefon: +372 53411962
Fax: +372 660 4811
E-Mail: voldemar.rannap@ekm.envir.ee
Webseite: http://www.envir.ee/
Partner: Matsalu Nature Reserve (http://www.matsalu.ee)
Danish Cooperation for Environment in Eastern Europe (http://www.mst.dk/homepage/default.asp?Sub=/aid/01000000.htm)
Amphi Consult (http://www.amphiconsult.dk)
Finanziert von: European Commision (http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/home.htm)
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