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Planning of Coastal Areas at the Gulf of Finland

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt
Dauer: 01/07/1996 - 01/01/1999

This project was part of the EU ICZM Demonstration Programme. Its main goal was to promote master planning in the coastal zone of the gulf of Finland as an innovative exercise representing a joint planning process between local and regional administrations, backed by specialist consultants. The project was expected to integrate new methodologies and tools in the planning procedure: environmental assessment procedures, (EIA), Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and participatory planning. It also aimed to develop cooperation networks with other Baltic Sea nations and promote joint management of coastal areas. 

Kontakt: Tiina Tihlman
Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre
PO Box 36
00521 Helsinki
Telefon: +358-9-1488 8304
Fax: +358-9-1488 8295
E-Mail: tiina.tihlman@vyh.fi
Webseite: www.environment.fi/uus
Budget: 589.932
Finanziert von: European Commission (http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/home.htm)
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