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COASTRA: Coastal Mamagement Strategy for Southwest Finland

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt
Webseite: http://www2.varsinais-suomi.fi/coastra/
Dauer: 07/2001 - 12/2004

On a general level, the project objective is to develop and implement innovative and effective measures for ICZM in SW Finland. A comprehensive data collection and sampling programme will be carried out, followed by an analysis concentrating on conflicting factors and on the identification of different management options. A specific pilot project will demonstrate CZM in an operational context. 

Kontakt: Eero Löytönen
Regional Council of Southwest Finland
PL 273 (Ratapihankatu 36)
20101 TURKU
Telefon: +358 2 2100 940
Fax: +358 2 2100 901
E-Mail: eero.loytonen@varsinais-suomi.fi
Webseite: http://www.varsinais-suomi.fi/
Partner: Southwest Finland Regional Environment Centre (http://www.vyh.fi/)
The fisheries unit of the Employment and Economic Development Centre of Southwest Finland (http://www.te-keskus.fi/web/ktmyht.nsf/KehysmalliENG?Open...)
The municipality of Uusikaupunki, Finland (http://uusikaupunki.fi/)
University of Turku; Finland (http://www.utu.fi/)
Finanziert von: European Commission (http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/home.htm)
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