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EUROCAT: European Catchments - Catchment changes and their impact on the coasts

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt
Webseite: http://www.cs.iia.cnr.it/EUROCAT/project.htm
Dauer: 01/02/2001 - 01/01/2004

EUROCAT was commissioned by the General Directorate Research and Development (DG-XII) of the European Commission. In this project a quantifiable framework of analysis for improved planning and management of catchments will be developed by analysing the response of the coastal sea to changes in fluxes of nutrients and contaminants from the catchments. Examining four coastal seas (Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Black Sea) and eight associated catchments, the regional studies seek to identify the regional differences and their relevance for a better management strategy. The result of this study will be useful for developing better management solutions and strategies with regards to catchment sources of contamination and their coastal impacts, and in particular will assist managers in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. 

Kontakt: Willem Salomons
GKSS - Research Centre
Institute of Hydrophysics
21502 Geesthacht
Telefon: +49 4152-871843
E-Mail: wim.salomons@gkss.de
Webseite: http://www.gkss.de/
Budget: 4.103.052
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