Pollution caused by hazardous substances still poses risks to the Baltic Sea area. Loads and impacts of some hazardous substances have been reduced considerably during the past 20-30 years, but concentrations of some other substances have increased in the marine environment. The COHIBA Project will identify the sources and inputs of the 11 hazardous substances, which are largely unknown and develop measures to reduce these substances. With HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) the Baltic Sea countries have committed themselves to achieve a “Baltic Sea with life undisturbed by hazardous substances. The overall objective of COHIBA is to support the implementation of the BSAP with regard to hazardous substances by developing joint actions to reach the goal. COHIBA will last three years (2009-2012). It’s co-financed by the European Union within the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. The aim of the COHIBA (Control of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea region) is to
identify the most important sources of 11 hazardous substances of special concern, quantify inputs of the selected substances to the Baltic Sea, analyze the pathways of the selected substances from production, processes and uses to the marine environment, create cost-effective management options to reduce discharges and contribute the development of national implementation programmes
Work packages The project consists of six work packages (WP). Each work package will have its own leader, who will manage and monitor the activities of this WP. Project management and administration (lead by Finnish Environment Institute) Communication and Information (lead by HELCOM Secretariat) Innovative approaches to chemical controls of hazardous substances (lead by Finnish Environment Institute) Identification of sources and estimation of inputs/impacts on the Baltic Sea (lead by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute) Cost effective management options to reduce discharges, emissions and losses of hazardous substances (lead by Federal Environment Agency of Germany) Capacity building and knowledge transfer (lead by Baltic Environmental Forum)